Alena Medina

Viruses Main Page

  • Virus is a non-living particle that needs a "Host" to replicate - make more copies of itself. 

  • Its main job is to infect cells making the organism sick or causing an infection

  • Some viruses cause immediate or "acute infection", such as the "Flu"

  • Other viruses cause a "chronic infection" that can last a lifetime, such AIDS, Herpes, Mononucleosis and many more

  • Viruses only have Nucleic Acids - DNA or RNA, never both!!!!

  • They use the host cell Ribosomes - which help to assemble or put together new viruses in the host cell.

  • Remember!!........Ribosomes are the "Little Factories".  In this case they build new Viruses!!!!!!!

    (4 min)




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