Academic Biology


Welcome to the Biology Page

Futurescape - from the Science channel

Science of Biology Website

Includes many activities on the science topics we are  studying


Chapter 4 - Cells Structure and Function


Chapter 5 - Homeostasis and Cell Transports

  • Homeostasis definition
  • Substances such as water, Glucose, Oxygen and waste products need to move in and out cells through the Cell or Plasma membrane
  • This occurs in 2 main ways:

     1.  Passive Transport - little or no energy is required by the cells

          a. Diffusion

          b. Facilitated Diffusion

          c.  Osmosis

     2.  Active Transport - energy is required by the cells

          a.  Cell Membrane Pumps

          b.  Endocytosis

          c.  Exocytosis




Osmosis and Diffusion



Chapters 6 and 7: Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration



Genetics and Heredity Unit

Chapter 8 - Cell reproduction


Chapter 9 - Fundamentals of genetics

  • LHON - Men thrive in sports with it  Youtube

       *  Data table for the Survey


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